On October 15 my mini opera Door de bomen had its premiere at the Stadkamer in Zwolle. The intimate setting and personal lyrics made this a very special night. Composer Jasper Swank (picture) was present and afterwards we talked about the meaning of opera, art and creating together with the audience. Some of the reactions state:
Irene zet de Nederlandse opera opnieuw op de kaart. Boeiend, persoonlijk, ontwapend, een genot om te zien en om in zich in prachtige klanken en woorden te kunnen verliezen. – Hein Spanjaard, former managing director of theater Odeon
Irene puts Dutch opera back on the map. Fascinating, personal, disarming, a delight to see and to lose oneself in the magnificent sounds and words.
Wat een bezieling
Woorden zo intens
mooi gebracht en gezongen
Heel intens mooi – Alice
How inspired, how intensely beautifully sung and conveyed, such intense beauty
Je hebt mij diep geraakt – Naomi
You’ve touched me deeply