Latest news2024-05-06T08:31:35+00:00

Parade-ing around at the SingAlong!

In 2022 I competed in the International Vocal Competition. I reached the semi-finals, won the Prize Association Friends of the IVC and received a Masterclass from Vesselina Kasarova: "Ich liebe dich, und ich liebe deine Stimme". Now, two years later I've again qualified for the final rounds in 's Hertogenbosch, from 25 September until 5 October 2024 and next to the Grand Prix I'm selected as one of the competitors for the special Wagner Prize. As a laureate I was recently invited to sing at the final SingAlong concert during the festival Opera op de Parade, where I sang -among other pieces- Ebben, ne andrò lontana by Catalani, accompanied by PhilZuid/Enrico Delamboye. An impression can be heard when you click[...]

8 August, 2024|
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